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Quick links to the different sections for general information.

MSO 2013
Don't miss out on the opportunity to win one of the major trophies on offer. Especially the
prestigous 2013 Pentamind and Modern Abstract Games World Championships.
2013 will see the first ever Ladies' Pentamind.

World Amateur Poker
Live poker open to everyone even under 18s.
We don't play for money just medals and the title of amateur World Champion!
About us and some history of the MSO
after June 22nd
invisible ink
The Mind sports Olympiad has been going for over a decade, and we have successfully run over 1000 tournaments with medallists from over 50 countries and competitors from many more. Our competition is open to everyone and many playershave enjoyed our games, made friends and even won medals. We also have our own international Ranks and Titles to be earned.
The official language of the MSO is English. This fits with the majority of the major games international bodies. As we have to deal with such a large number of Countries even our most able polyglots would struggle without an official language at the game tables. We will always do our best to accomodate non-English speakers, trying to put them in contact with other players from their country when they are at the MSO. Unfortunately a small number of events do have a language bias, especially the Word Games, but most have had winners whose first language was not English.
The Mind Sports Olympiad exists due to the dedicated efforts of a small group of individuals who help run and organise the event. There are too many names to thank everyone who has helped over the years. If you wish to get involved in the organisation please see Sponsors or Contact Us.
The idea behind the Mind Sports Olympiad was originally David Levy. His vision was to have an Olympic Games for the mind. (This was well before the Olympics were considering Bridge as an event!). After long consultation as to how to bring together the Traditional games and what newer games were of a quality to be classics of thefuture. Together with a large team David Levy, Tony Buzan and Raymond Keene founded the MSO. This has let the MSO hold over 100 World Championships.When the organisation was going through a difficult period, it was largely thanks to the tireless Tony Corfe and founder David Levy that the competition was able to continue. Now, at the players' request we have moved our Tournament back to London and hopefully on-going success.
The Mind Sports Olympiad also founded two competitions that were only possible due to the size of the endeavour. The two Multievent games were designed to find the best games all-rounders in the world and possibly the top games player alive. These were the Pentamind and the Decamentathlon both inspiresd by the athletics events the pentathlon and decathlon. Unfortunately a small language bias is unavoidable in the Decamentathlon so the freer Pentamind has become our most prestigous World Championship.
As well as our many Games featured on our website we also have demonstrated many games some ending up withtheir World Championships being combined into our main event. One such demonstration game involved, dressing up in a kimono and composing a Japanese Haiku. To the relief of some of our top players this never carried pentamind points our else they would have been looking for the fabled Sun Tzu's "The Art of Poetry" and a Japanese phrase book.
The Mind Sports has had an ambition to encourage games playing across the globe and to that end there have been many minor satellite competitions with the MSO brand. Many of which continue to flourish. So even if you can't makethis year's event we hope to see you all in the future!