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Quick links to the different sections for general information.

MSO 2013
Don't miss out on the opportunity to win one of the major trophies on offer. Especially the
prestigous 2013 Pentamind and Modern Abstract Games World Championships.
2013 will see the first ever Ladies' Pentamind.

World Amateur Poker
Live poker open to everyone even under 18s.
We don't play for money just medals and the title of amateur World Champion!
The Mind Sports Olympiad has held over 1000 competitions in over a decade of tournaments. It is a great way to have fun and make friends. It is open to everyone! We have a unique selection of games and tournaments and as well as the glory and the medals, many people come just for the experience of playing against the best in the world or to simply have fun.
Almost all our events use Swiss movements that means that you should end up playing against players of your own ability so you will have the opportunity to play against real people and still have a challenge.
As well as senior (adult) medals there are also junior medals up for grabs. Most of our competitions are open to anyone.
If you have been coming for more than one year you might try to achieve one of the MSO Ranks and Titles which come with an embossed certificate.
The keenest players don’t even stop between competitions and there are always people who will play almost any game just for fun.
Some of the most dedicated participants play every single session in the timetable. This is perhaps the ultimate challenge, probably much tougher than running a marathon, as some of the leaner pentamind players can drop half a stone of weight in a week of living off junk food.
The Mind sports Olympiad gives you the opportunity to be able to claim to be the best games player in the World by winning our prestigious Pentamind tournament although it will take you a long time to try and unseat Demis Hassabis from his record number of peantamind wins.
The 15th Mind Sports Olympiad
For the full schedule and entry details goto the timetable.
This years tournament is to take place at the University of London Union, England. Local information and how to get there can be found at venue. We offer fun and challenging events that are open to everyone and hopefully we will see you there.
Other Tournaments
We obviously hope to see you at this years competition, but we are also trying to develop a notice board for other board and card games competitions at our Other Tournaments